Welcome to Scouts BSA Troop 2220!
National Capital Area Council, Aquia District, BSA
Troop 2220 is a Scouts BSA Boys Troop chartered by the Stafford Masonic Lodge on Courthouse Road and is based in Stafford VA. Our Troop meets Tuesday evenings from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.
The goal of Troop 2220 is to help our Scouts develop into honorable men and leaders by providing them the resources and guidance needed, through challenges, adventure, leadership and growth to develop and advance in Scouting. Troop 2220 Scouts will learn skills focused on leadership, the outdoors, and of life. Scouts choose what they would like to learn and how quickly. As they progress, their achievements are recognized through advancement within the Scouting ranks and in leadership positions within the troop.
To contact Troop 2220, please email our Scoutmaster at scoutmaster@t2220.org.