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Sanders Property Orienteering Camp Out

Completed BSA Health Forms (Parts A and B) must be on file with Troop 2220 for each person attending this campout.

Sanders Property Camping

Event Details:

Event Date: Friday, March 7 - Sunday, March 9, 2025
Event: Sanders Property Camping
Location:Sanders Property, Courthouse Rd, Stafford VA
Permission Slip Due: Tuesday, March 4, 2025 by 7 pm
Money Due: Tuesday, March 4, 2025 by 7 pm
Description: Honing Scouting and Orienteering Skills
Bring:Tent, Sleeping Bag or Blankets, Change of clothes, Backpacking pack, FULL Water Bottle, Flashlight, Mess Kit with Cup, Extra Snacks, Troop Activity Shirt, Scout Book (in baggie), Hiking Boots/Shoes, and Rain Gear
Meeting Time:Friday, March 7 at 6:30 pm, ACUMC

Other:Completed BSA Health Forms (Parts A and B) must be on file with Troop 2220 for each person attending this campout.

By completing this form you are granting permission for this child listed below to participate in the Sanders Property Camping with Troop 2220 during Friday, March 7 - Sunday, March 9, 2025.

Please provide all of the required information for the Scout attending this event. You will need to complete this form for each Scout, for which you are responsible.

Please provide the name of the parent or guardian of the Scout listed on this form.
Please provide a primary email for parent or guardian of the Scout listed on this form.

In case of emergency: Primary Contact

Primary Emergency Contact Name
Primary Phone

If I can not be reached: Alternate Contact

Alternate Emergency Contact Name
Alternate Phone

Additional Information

By submitting this form you give permission to the leaders of the above unit to render First Aid, should the need arise. In the event of an emergency, I also give permission to the physician, selected by the adult leader in charge, to hospitalize, secure proper anesthesia, order injection, or secure other medical treatment, as needed.

You further agree to hold the above named unit and its leaders blameless for any accidents that might occur during this outing except for clear acts of negligence or non-adherence to BSA policies and guidelines.

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